It's H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N people.. .. .. Time to "CREEP" you out with some makeups & dress ups! We had a sudden urge this year - DESPERATELY wanting to celebrate Halloween but we thought it will never happen as the "GUYS" would not want to do the makeups till Pagen saw Death's facebook shouting out for Halloween party. *Ding* Good catch! We tried our luck and surprisingly they agreed. Good thing we have some friends who are as crazy as us!
Most of our friends will dress up in a "Sexy & Cute" outfit on Halloween night. Check out for OUR VERSION of halloween.
The making of Halloween 2008
Members gathered in Pagen's house for before heading to Oblique.
Colours Spilled
The Butcher
The Zombie
The Witch
The Vampire
The Doctor
The Nurse
Camwhore tested
Unfortunately, Kiki couldn't make her way back on time as she is in Perth doing her "Graduation" thingy. Congratulations, Kiki!
Off we go!
The Creepers stepped in the land of Oblique ~
Needless to elaborate our outing. Our pictures tells it all

Pictures that makes you speechless
A picture of Kar Wei before he turns into a Dead Corpse.
Halloween are just not that fun without horror makeups. Go, get yourself some makeup, Kar Wei!
Halloween are just not that fun without horror makeups. Go, get yourself some makeup, Kar Wei!
The Dead Corpse(That's more like it)
Vampire visiting.....a DENTIST?
Good thing there are some makeup artist giving free makeups in Oblique.
The lady boss of Oblique who invited us.
Our attendance caught everyone's attention which makes us feel like a SUPERSTAR that night
A competition was held that night. Pagen, Death and Andy were selected to be the finalist of the night.
Applause was given by the audience to select the winner!
Winners of the Night
Winner of the day - Pagen brought home a bottle of liquor
2nd place - Andy Kong brought himself a puppet
3rd place - Death's prizes was given away to a GAY just because it's a GAY CLUB
We believe each and everyone of "US" who attented the party will NEVER EVER forget about this day. We will always recall how much FUN we had when HALLOWEEN HOWL each year!
P/S : We even went for "LOK LOK" & PORRIDGE at Pudu without removing our makeups! Like we Care.....??? It was all for fun! =P
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